Local medical clinic


We have good news.

Since the outbreak of open hostilities, the 3 priorities of Mendes’ village Karko are (1) water supply, (2) medical care and (3) education for their children. According to our previous update, your priority number 1 has been fulfilled with our help. Now we have an initiative to help with their second priority. The citizens of Karko have to travel very far for medical care, often on foot. With our support, they will now have their own local medical clinic. It is built from stones and bricks and powered by solar panels. It is built from stones and bricks and is powered by solar cells. The project is in line with our founding principles. The need was recognized by the village; the clinic is being built through community efforts; and the materials and design are local. We are very proud of this undertaking and optimistic that it will improve the quality of life in the village.