Annual General Meeting takes place virtually due to COVID-19
In 2021, the annual Board meeting was held via Zoom on 15 March 2021. The meeting was attended by Founder Mende Nazer, Chair Janan Sutherland, Vice Chair Tom Høyem, Caroline Clegg, Sabine Röser, Angela Wipper, Henning Huffer, Baroness Caroline Cox, David Thomas. Information was provided on the current situation and the clinic project was discussed and voted on. The construction of a clinic would meet the local medical needs of the village of Karko. Die Klinik wird aus Steinen und Ziegeln aus Stein und Ziegeln von den Bewohnern selbst gebaut werden. Die Klinik wird aus Steinen und Ziegeln aus Stein und Ziegeln von den Bewohnern selbst gebaut werden. This clinic would provide the residents of Karko with basic medical care. All board members voted unanimously in favour of building the clinic.