Janan Sutherland is Chairman of the Mende Nazer Foundation. He was first confronted with the harsh reality of Sudan when he was deployed there as a UN military observer.
Janan Sutherland is an officer in the Canadian Armed Forces and a graduate of the Royal Military College. He served his country both at sea and on land. He sailed with several frigates and destroyers in the Canadian Navy and has since been deployed as a military observer on peacekeeping missions in the Sinai, Egypt and the Nuba Mountains, as well as in Sudan.
During his service, he was determined to put his experience to good use outside of his official duties. With the support of his family and friends, he raised money to build a girls’ school in the village of Kortala in the heart of the Nuba Mountains. After their first meeting together, Mende asked Janan Sutherland to use his practical experience to help them set up the foundation and manage the projects on the ground. In view of the life-changing experiences of his work in Sudan and his desire to help, he agreed to become a member and vice-chairman of the foundation, which eventually became chairman after Tom Høyem passed on the torch.
Janan Sutherland currently lives in Halifax, Canada.